Friday, May 13, 2005

That Third Period Kind of Boredom...

Yeah I am just sitting here in third period, listening to my CD player and mouthing to words to "Rocket" by Def Leppard, which is an awesome song, thank you very much.

Rocket.....yeah....satellite of love.....LOL Had to put it but anyways...

Yeah my mom called about getting my cell phone turned back on, and they ran her credit, and so yeah it's not happening. My mom is going to get me a Cingular phone, but it's just not the same thing. I will have to get a new phone and I won't be able to use my phone, and I have an attachment to it. LOL I will have to get one of those funky free phones that suck but oh well at this point I don't even care anymore and I will take what I can get and not be picky.

Oh, yes, that's what I wanted to post about: I may have a job. I have to go today for an interview at the Penny Lanes Bowling Alley, and I think I have an interview at Baskin Robbins. If I work at Penny Lanes, I will be working on Saturday from one to five and on Sunday from noon until five, so come and visit me if I get the job but don't bother me! The title of my job would be "Party Hostess" and I deal with all the little kids and their birthday party stuff. I think I will be like setting the stuff up. I am going to be making like $5.25 an hour plus tips which is pretty good I think but the thing is that it's only two days a week and I might have to get another job. I am going to like spend 1/4 of what I get paid and save the rest of it for college in case they pull my TOPS. So yeah...

I STILL have to memorize my speech for the Night of Notables...I am procrastinating with that so bad but oh well I do not want to do it. The day after the Night of Notables is the Relay for Life so with all of that and if I have a job then I will be so busy that weekend. But it will at least be fun at the Relay for Life and I will be extremely happy if I have a job so the only bad thing about that weekend will be the Night of Notables. OMG MS. DUNN IS THE WORST! UUUGGGHHH! LOL And the thing is that I can't even be relieved that this year is almost over because I have her next year too. Both semesters....Of course. Oh well. LOL


Did you know that, in Japanese, zip code is yubinbango? It's a very interesting word. I discovered this a few minutes ago...

Japanish: Japanese and Spanish. LOL Don't ask.

I am thinking about deleting this blog. No one ever comes here, and if they do, I don't know about it because they don't post. Post a comment and save this blog!

So um yeah...


Blogger The Lady Punch said...

He was not that hot. LOL He was....luke warm. LOL

Spaceballs was awesome!

Sunday, May 15, 2005 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Shannon. DOn't you dare delete this blog girl! Sporks will rule the world, and I hope you get a job. SAVE THE BLOG!!! DEATH TO SQUISHY!!!

Friday, May 20, 2005 7:51:00 PM  

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