Sunday, May 08, 2005

Oh and one last thing...

Why don't silverware sets, or whatever they are called, include sporks? Really...think about it. Sporks are just so amazing. It is a spoon and a fork all rolled into one. If they made sporks that were not like plastic, it would definitely cut time for washing dishes because you would not have to wash a separate spoon and fork.....just one spork...And if you were eating something like a chicken and rice dish, you could use a spork to stab the chicken AND scoop up the rice. (Maybe I shouldn't have used the word stab but still....LOL) So much more convenient....And plus sporks just look cool and it's an awesome word to say. LOL Do not ask where this topic came from.......I haven't used a spork in a long time......I was just in the car and I asked my mom about sporks and she was just like "I don't know, Eryn...." LOL Taco Bell has sporks! I wonder what would happen if you just went in Taco Bell and stole all their sporks? Would they tell you anything? Like if you ordered something that required the use of a spork, and you know how they have the sporks, sauces, napkins, and straws sitting out, and you went and just grabbed all of their sporks, and they were like, "Excuse me, what are you doing?" And you were like, "Well, you see, I have RDS....the unexplainable and incurable Random Drop Syndrome.....and I have the tendency to drop my silverware.....or plasticware....a lot so I need as many sporks as I can get." Could they really stop you and make you put all of the sporks back? I am seriously going to have to try that one day. I will order like a taco salad and steal all the sporks....Muahahahaha! Yeah, in case you haven't noticed, I have had sugar today...... That's basically all I had to say at the current moment.....There will be more later.....


Blogger The Lady Punch said...

Yeah well we already knew that I was the first person to contract the RDS from you, its creator, but now Wendell has it as well and its not pretty. what if it gets to like a brain surgeon and he is operating on someone and just like drops the scalpel into their brain? what then? huh? you should feel really guilty, candace! and yes i realize that i am the second person to post but i dont count because it is my blog so w/e. whoever is after me is second. LOL

and yeah i wrote about sporks because it is just such a compelling topic that i had to write about and let the general public know about....LOL

Monday, May 09, 2005 4:14:00 PM  
Blogger The Lady Punch said...

Spoof? Where do you see that?

Monday, May 09, 2005 4:41:00 PM  

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