Friday, May 27, 2005


Random things that pop into my head...

Alrighty here's the thing: Go to Winn Dixie or some store like that, buy a pack of bologna, go to Pizza Hut or some pizza place, order a pizza and hand them the bologna and ask them if they would be so kind as to put that on your pizza.

Here's what you're looking for:
A.) The initial reaction of the person you asked
B.) Whether or not they will do it
and here's the kicker
C.) Whether or not they charge you for the topping since you bought/brought your own topping!

I am trying this over the summer with or without your help. Who's with me?

Yeah that's always interesting...

In Spiderman, where did Peter Parker get his costume from? I mean, honestly, who is naive enough to believe that he made it himself....and if he got like some costume making place or something to make it for him, wouldn't he have had to give them his name to order it? And then months later when they see him swinging on the news and all that jazz (<- LOL), wouldn't they have just turned him in? Unless they were dead........or dense......or didn't care......or in jail..........or something along those lines. Pay attention to detail people! Question things! And in Edward Scissorhands, even though it is my absolute favorite movie, where did he get those big ice blocks for the sculptures at the end of the movie? Did he like gather rain water in huge containers and wait until winter then leave them in the extreme cold and wait for them to freeze? That might be logical because the inventor probably had huge containers somwhere since he like ran a factory.....but how would Edward get the ice blocks out of the containers? Hhmm...Oh! Or maybe the old lady goes and leaves him blocks of ice because she loves him and because she wants her snow! LOL Yeah.... Why do superheros have to wear their under....garments on the outside.....LOL Seriously though....why? Why couldn't the computer people just make the keys in alphabetical order? Wouldn't it be so much easier because if you knew your ABCS then you could type! Yeah the randomness just keeps coming... Hey cool band website.....I will post it when I get home today and get to look at it more.....this I am reminding myself.... Yepp........... I was so looking forward to having a free period in math today, but I was forced to listen to rap and played-out songs on one of the preps' mixed was simply horrible. LOL It is so funny to watch like early 90s movies when everyone had just blow-dried their hair and it was frizzy and not straight and all and everyone nowadays is like "OMG....what is up with their hair??" and it was all cool and stuff and the thing is that I can't wait until years from now when everyone looks back at us with our "in" hairstyles and crap and goes "OMG what were they thinking?" I just let my hair go straight and curly if I am too lazy too deal with it. Complicated styles and all are just a waste of time....LOL

Okay so yea so yeah so bye...more later...


Blogger The Lady Punch said...

LOL But wouldn't they just have put the keys back in alphabetical order when the computers were invented?

I don't want Lance in my pants....LOL But we know Dunn does. LOL

The movie creator people did try to imply that, but I shall not believe it!!!!! LOL

Hehehe...don't ask...

What is that website? Wait, don't answer, I will just go see for myself...LOL

Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THat bologna idea is priceless I wanna do that of course ill let u do it first, Well sorry i couldnt come to christians well at 9:00 me and sara found a buggy and she got in it and I went up to some places and asked them in a weird voice"would u lik to buy a kid, only $2" then I got in and she left me out side then I looked hi but i wasnt. well BYE MOOSE/ PEACHES VON SHORTCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2005 8:18:00 PM  
Blogger The Lady Punch said...

Exactly what do you mean by 'buggy'? Because when you say 'buggy', three different things come to mind for me.

And you are right, Christian, it cannot be put into words. I just know that a bunch of people that were driving by are probably scarred for life by you with....*laughs hysterically*...not even going to go there....and me saying....*laughs hysterically*....aahh good times, good times. LOL

I went home and thought about mint mocha and almost choked on a piece of macaroni. LOL

Christian is cheaper...$0.50 for Stephanie. LOL

And Wendell, ever call me that again and so help me...LOL

Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats really weird lol i havent posted in a long time but now im posting - thats a funny picture ms dunn running to the food tables NOOOOOOO! lol thats hilarious - that sounds funny 2 lol it looked like u kept clutching your leg lol all that about forgetting and doing bad with your speech and u actually get everything right and say more than u were goin to lol its kinda is easy with big lights cuz u cant c anyone in the audience really so its kinda like no ones there or just people u cant see lol i remember because in 3rd grade i was in the chorus and we performed at the civic center and i was nervous and was just goin to stand there but then the curtains came open and i couldnt see anyone so it made it a lot easier but anyway....hey remember your a fruity bun chaser lol and i forgot what i was but oh well thats not important lol thats still wierd how u put on wigs n stuff but i shouldnt say anything cuz i did that b4 lol its weird but fun lol i havent updated my blog in a long long long long long time but thats because i forgot about it lol plus i dont think anything that interesting happened to me while i stopped typing for my blog lol the sh*t is BANANAS b-a-n-a-n-a-s lol weird very weird lol 3 more days of school left i cant wait but u kno theres boredom to come most of the time during the summer lol that long story on sporks is very interesting lol if your going to seriously try to take all of taco bells sporks im seriosly goin to have to see that lol did u ever read all the different things that are on the sauce packets lol i like your walmart poem thing but the last line is kinda weird lol its doesnt really have to do with walmart lol so what kind of responses did u get when u asked people if their crotch itched lol thats really strange but oh well whatever u like to do lol the car we have doesnt have that new car smell so your not the only one lol i dont even know when the time was that it got washed probably months lol i cant wait until i get my awesomely cool fast internet and wireless interenet so i can go anywhere and get on without tying up the phone line lol but my mom will still be telling me to get off lol shes tellin me to get off now ive been on like 3 hours now lol would u rather chase buns or snatch pedestrians remember that lol there are a lot of weird songs these days i agree with that lol and remember im goin to get a movie or 2 - i got 3 lol u watch a lot of movies way more than i have anyway lol why do superheros wear there undergarments on the outside lol that is weird and why arent the keys on a keyboard in any kind of order they r just all over the place we should invent a new easier to use keyboard lol well not really cuz im used to the one i have lol u suck u hardly have any exams 1 i think and i have 3 but oh well at least the ones i have to take are easy 12 more hours of school left for me next year we will be sophomores one step closer to goin out in the world lol well i g2g ive typed a lot plus i really have to get off the computer so ill ttyl bye!

Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah you are right, Devin, that is an extremely long post.

You just had to bring up the fruity bun snatcher...LOL Do you want me to mention what you were? LOL

I do watch a lot of movies but not as many as I used to...LOL

Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well eryn, i must say, that randomness almost rivals shan's. ALMOST. lol. sooooooooo...yep..I LOVE YOU...its finally out...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:37:00 AM  
Blogger The Lady Punch said...

OMG I knew it! Finally someone loves me! LOL

Wow....almost rivaling Shannon's spazzyness......I never thought I would get there....!!!!! LOL

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:42:00 AM  
Blogger The Lady Punch said...

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:41:00 PM  
Blogger The Lady Punch said...

OMG we can give the bologna pizza to the little dwarves as a thank you present for all their hard work!

Oh and for all of you wondering what we are talking about, Melissa asked how bubble wrap was made, and I said:

The bubble wrap factory probably has a fully automated machine. Unless they have little dwarves that are chained to the floor that are forced into sewing together or what not the plastic and leaving little pockets for the air. Then, they take blow driers and fill the little pockets with air. After that, the speedy little dwarves sew together the pockets before the air is released.

Poor little day I shall set them free!

Unless of course it is an automated machine...then...oh well. LOL

Yeah so that's where that came from. LOL And Melissa, Spiderman is not that creative, even though I know you probably think so because it is ToBeY...Hehehe...LOL

And I don't think we should visit the dwarves....I mean they are really busy and gosh what do you think: bubble wrap makes itself? LOL J/J

Hehehe...I am hyper.

This is for Christian...


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:41:00 PM  

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