Sunday, January 28, 2007


Eryn: "What exactly is a dojo?"
Christian: " A what?"
Eryn: "A dojo."
Christian: "...I really have no idea what you're saying."
Eryn: "DOJO"
Christian: "Mojo?"
Eryn: "No! Not mojo. Dojo."
Christian: "What does it start with?"
Eryn: "D."
Christian: "Dodo?"
Eryn: "No! DOJO!"
Christian: "What? What does it start with again?"
Christian: "A B?"
Eryn: "Nooo!!!! *laughing in insane frustration* A D. D. D. D. DEEEEEEEEEEEE. DOJO!"
Christian: " in....?"
Eryn: "DOG!"
Christian: "Dodo!"
Eryn: "DOJO! *at wit's end*"
Christian: "Oh. That's a martial arts training place."
Eryn: "*about to suffer from a heart attack and pass out in frustration* *finally relieved* Thank you! I've had Algebra problems simpler than having you try to figure out what I was saying!"
Christian: "You had an Algebra problem about a dojo?"
Eryn: "NO!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

people who frequent your blog have no motivation to post a comment if you don't publsh new entrees.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, the people have spoken, Eryn, and they demand updates!

Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:20:00 PM  

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