Thursday, October 12, 2006

Multicolored Sock Ambush

As I sat here pulling up the webpage to begin typing this, my parentals began to fold socks. They figured, "Hey, Eryn's right over there. Socks aren't that harmful if thrown." So they began humming socks in my general vicinity with minimal warning. So it's like,
Parental: "Hey Eryn"
Me: "Hmmm?" *Turns around slowly* *Freaks in apparent shock as she sees rolled up bundles of socks being aimed at her.*

I just got home not too long ago from the infamous Hattiesburg. Tis now a tradition to take a trip out there on Thursdays to pick up my dad's check. And tis not a tradition I particularly enjoy for it's like, "Yay outta school! Going home!" and then I get halfway to the car and I'm like "Aw crap." and it hits me like a bundle of socks from the opposite side of the room that we have to go to Hattiesburg. x_x Anyways it wasn't so bad this time because, unlike last time, we didn't have to wait for my dad for an hour.

So anyways, after the whole picking up of the check thing, we went to this pizza place to food. So we get this cheese pizza thing, and Eryn's an idiot and puts on the crushed pepper stuff that I am uberly addicted to. So, I wasn't really paying attention, and I shook the shaker (wow, that's insanely fun to say) and I looked down momentarily and only saw a few pepper flakes and I kept shaking but I wasn't looking so after I was done--and after I had taken the first bite-- I realized that the reason I hadn't seen too much pepper upon my first glance is that twas VERY crushed up into normal pepper sized pieces invisible to the glancing eye. Apparently, this made them even SPICIER. So, I take my bite, and it was like the flames of hell on a crust next to cheese and sauce. I mean, my eyes watered. THAT'S how much pepper was on this thing. So first, my tongue feels like it's going through an atomic bomb, and then my lips feel like they are covered with 3rd degree burns. I was sniffling and going, "Ahhhh hot!" and there was much much pain. So my parents are like, "What?" and I'm like, "Ah!" and my dad's like, "Wimp" and I'm like, "Ah!" and my mom's like, "Drink some water" and I'm like, "Ah!" LOL So as it turns out the pain was so intense that I couldn't eat. I finished that piece after like two glasses of water and like 20 minutes because it took me forever to subdue the pain. x_x So that was my dining experience and twas not a pleasant one. But I did have Cherry Coke. And I liked it :D

Today I got to use the term "Squirrels of Happiness" and you have no idea (or maybe you do) how happy that made me. We were sitting in the car outside of my grandparental's trailer and there were these two squirrels frolicking in the field and I was like, "AH!" *throws self against window* "Squirrels! Frolicking in merriment!" *smiles and freaks out* "Squirrels of happiness!" :D Then my dad pretended like he was shooting at him and I was not happy about that. LOL (I was just typing an IM to someone and I was saying something about "chocolate and white chocolate chips" and I was typing this at the same time so I said "chocolate and white chocolate squirrels" and THANK GOD I looked up right before I hit send. LOL)

My brother has this CD that I made for him years ago, and, although I don't particularly care for most of the songs, it has this one country song on it that I just find so catchy. Tis called, "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney, and I love it. LOL

Anywho, I'm going to end this and try to put some pictures on here.

Most funkadelic peace, love, and squirrels of happiness,
Downy, Snuggle Assassin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting blog! Your writing skills are far more advanced for someone of your age. Keep up the great publishing!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blah the comment is crap
not even a real person >_<
theres never a new entree
(thats the food but not what i meant but im going with it)
im sure tis because of the lack of le internet
but then again
even if you had it would there be blogging involved
i wonder....
well tis not like i dont know what goes on in the life of Eryn
so im not dying without
but maybe every now and then just
and i'd be all
checking Eryn's blog
dont know why
she never posts

Friday, November 03, 2006 3:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well.. the comment is crap, eh... while i like you would like Eryn to post more perhaps she is checking to see if anyone reads her life stories.. which you and i do.
i can't help but feeling as if you know eryn very well with your "tis" and all...perhaps Eryn can enlighten us and this individual can post something other than "crap' about your witty blog.. come along Eryn save us.. where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006 2:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are all these anonymous people? Or is it just one person? Multiple personalities? Perhapsss.....

I do have an account, but hey! I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and remain anonymous. Because everyone's doing it. And I'm just cool like that.

Like whoa.

Monday, November 06, 2006 3:14:00 PM  
Blogger Punch said...

hey i found out how to log onto my profile thing again
so yes indeed
no longer all with the anonymousnessicityishyness

Monday, November 13, 2006 2:07:00 PM  

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