Thursday, October 13, 2005

"I wanna go hoooome, I wanna go hommme."

"We're gonna rise and fight for Chalmette high...."

Hey, look! It's my living room! Look at my brand new couch...LOL (It's that thing sorta in the middle, to the right, sticking straight up...LOL)

This is what once was my backyard....LOL SHUT UP I KNOW IT WAS SMALL!!

The front/side sorta view of my house...I miss you so!!! There was a boat and car in my front yard...go figure. LOL

That's my room...on the second floor. I would like to remind you that I shared it with my brother, and it WAS...sorta clean...and the pet rescue people messed a lotta stuff up. LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are supposed to have temp schools set up in St. Bernard by January, while they rebuild the actual buildings. I'm moving back as soon as we get fema trailers. Unless my mom is a horse's ass, I'll get to be in a band! AWESOME!! Love you bunchies! (Does that sound dirty....)


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahkay here ya go I'mma responding....LOL sorry a lot's been going on.....crazy crazyness LOL

Sunday, October 16, 2005 2:42:00 PM  

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